Deep Down
After my blog about “Purpose” I was thrown into a whirlwind of emotions. Spiritual warfare? Most likely.
However, in the midst of my 61 day journey for purpose, I was tossed into an unwelcomed health issue. Not that health issues are ever welcomed. But, finding my purpose at that moment was just getting well. To help, I seriously had to go through some of my own writings to figure out what I needed to do.
Ask God.
So I asked. I prayed. I sought. I so desperately needed to hear His voice.
Nothing. But why? Was I blocking even His strength and help? What is going on?
Deeper I went.
Today, I have yet another appointment to “help” with this issue. I just want to be well again.
As I prayed, did my devotionals and hand-journaling this morning, I asked the Lord to give me guidance and direction. I have hope that only He can give.
I felt His loving touch upon my spirit. I know He’s here. Closer to the surface than I realized.
Hope…My hope is in You Jesus.
I will get through this phase in my life, with His help.
This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast. Hebrews 6:19 (NKJV)
Be blessed, have faith and Hope,
Chrissy D. <><
Remember…G.i.g.G.l.e.® = God is great God loves everyone!