Assorted Titles

The Dog Who Came to Christmas And Other True Stories of the Gifts Dogs Bring Us

Christmas is a time for joyful anticipation and celebration. Does any creature manifest these attitudes better than a dog? Their wagging tails and goofy smiles seem made for the season. Add in breakable decorations, extra sweets in the house, and maybe a little bit of snow and you've got a recipe for fun, laughter, and togetherness. And that's just what you get with The Dog Who Came to Christmas.

Chrissy's story, The Sweater That Would Not Be can be found on page 119.

Second-Chance Dogs: True Stories of the Dogs We Rescue and the Dogs Who Rescue Us

Everyone loves an underdog, and nothing gives us warmer feelings than seeing someone get a second chance in life. A problem pup who flourishes under the right kind of training. The struggling veteran who finds unconditional love wiggling around at the end of a leash. The lonely child who finds comfort in the steady breathing of the warm, furry friend at her side. Each of us needs to be rescued from something--and each of us has the capacity to rescue someone, or something, else.

Chrissy's story, An Angel Came Calling can be found on page 113.

Inspire Love: Inspiring Stories of God’s Love for and between His Children (Inspire Anthology)

A love like no other. God is the author of love and He showed his great love for us by sending His Son to die for each of us. In this anthology of over seventy stories, devotions, poems, and real events, you will find testimonies of His love. Each will tell of God’s great love for us and the love He created flowing between His children. They will inspire you to celebrate all the loves of your life. May you embrace the love God extends to each of us.

Chrissy's story, Love So Unconditional can be found on page 191.

Inspire Kindness: Inspiring stories of tender kindness from God and among His children (Inspire Anthology)

In a world of anger and hate, we could all use a little kindness. A gentle word, a helping hand would go a long way to comforting a hurting and lost community. This anthology, by Inspire Christian Writers, is a collection of over forty stories, poems, and devotionals that are testimonies to everyday acts of kindness big and small. May they encourage you and excite you to acts of kindness too as you share it forward to reach our world for Christ.

Chrissy's story, Magnificent Magnolias can be found on page 78.

The Dog Next Door: And Other Stories of the Dogs We Love

Dogs are truly one of God's finest creatures, a marvelous gift for us humans. In the perfect follow-up to A Prince among Dogs, Callie Smith Grant compiles a delightful collection of true stories that celebrate the dogs in our lives. These stories will touch our hearts, renew our spirits, and show us how God made these wonderful creatures for unique purposes.

Chrissy's story, The Money Dog--Her Weight in Gold can be found on page 117.
Revell; Later Printing edition (June 1, 2011)

Inspire Faith

Thirty-two stories and poems recount how God's loving kindnesses pursue us daily, arriving new every morning, even in the deepest crises of our lives. This anthology of Inspire Christian Writers will reassure you that He never abandons us, but works behind the scenes and up close and personal to fulfill His wonderful plans and promises. Listen as people like you and me bare their souls and share their stories of His faithfulness.

Chrissy's story, But Lord, He's a Good Man, can be found on page 84.

Inspire Victory

God is still at work in human lives. He is present and active in every moment of joy, heartache, pain, and love, and we find the strength to overcome in Him. Let the stories and poems in this anthology by Inspire Christian Writers build your faith, and open your eyes to what God is doing around us every day. You may just find that victory is more than an end, it's the opportunity to view life from a new perspective.

Chrissy’s story, The Coal Miner and His Daughter, can be found on page 86.

Inspire Promise

God has given His people promises from the beginning of recorded history right up until today. He has never failed to keep a single one. Whether we struggle with giving or keeping promises ourselves or we have suffered because of another's broken promise, God is ever faithful. Let the forty-seven stories and poems in this anthology by Inspire Christian Writers uplift and encourage you. May they build your faith to trust more in the Great Promise-Keeper we worship and serve.

Chrissy's story, Never Will He Leave Me, can be found on page 58.

Inspire Forgiveness

God is forgiveness. On the cross Christ paid the price to cover our sins and wash us in His cleansing power. He also charges us to forgive those who have sinned against us. This anthology, by Inspire Christian Writers, is a collection of fifty-three stories, poems, and devotionals that will challenge and encourage you on the power of forgiveness. From the joy of being forgiven, to the struggle to forgive the unforgiveable, open the pages and discover God at work in everyday lives.

Chrissy's story, At The Crossroad of Forgiveness can be found on page 117.

Inspire Joy

The joy of the Lord is strength, contentment in the struggle, the way through the trial, and so much more. This anthology, by Inspire Christian Writers, is a collection of fifty-three stories, poems, and devotionals that will lift you up. They will inspire you to reach for the joy we are offered everyday as children of the King. Joy is ours to face the ups and downs of our life. See where these authors found their joy and let their stories encourage and uplift.

Chrissy's story, Finding Joy When It Seems Impossible, can be found on page 85.

Inspired Glimpses of God's Presence

Fifty poems point towards God's presence in our world and lives. He appears silent. The reality is He promises He will never leave us or forsake us. This truth can be difficult to trust. However, if we pay attention to those transient moments in our day, we may encounter something profound-little moments from God. This poetry anthology of Inspire Christian Writers shares glimpses of what He has said to each poet's heart, may they speak to yours as well.

Chrissy has eight poems beginning on pages 36-45.