Inspired to Write
We all have a passion, don’t you think? Some of us have to dig deep down to search for one, others simply know.
Mine has been to write…since I was in elementary. I write about anything. I make up stuff only I understand…out loud sometimes.
But seriously, writing is said to be a curse or a blessing. A curse because the mind is always at work. A blessing, because some of that mumble-jumble comes out on paper and may be of use to many…or to just one.
I hope my writing is a blessing to you as you read my articles and that you will join me on my journey with a Contemporary Romance series. I recently completed book one, book two is in the works. So much fun. No, really it is. Writing is obviously not for everyone, but everyone reads, right?
Chrissy Drew recently moved to East Tennessee with her best friend and Darlin, Mike, and their rescue pup, Tanner-Roo She spends most of her time getting their new home put together since she is, after all, the Domestic CEO of the homestead. And is looking forward to getting to know the area. She is currently working on a Contemporary Romance Series. She is published in 11 anthologies, three (fourth coming out in September, 2024)of which are in Revell books and the others via Inspire Press. She’d love to hear from her readers.